Weathering the Storm: A Roadmap to Navigate the Mortgage Downturn

Market Report

The mortgage industry is facing challenges due to rising interest rates, inflation, and declining origination volumes. This report provides insights into how mortgage enterprises can navigate through the downcycle and sustain their businesses by managing their portfolio and leveraging technology and partnerships.

To protect their bottom-line and prepare for the future, mortgage lenders are adopting digital technologies, such as advanced analytics and cognitive aids, to improve operational efficiencies and customer experience. However, it is important to take a strategic approach and integrate these technologies into a cohesive and comprehensive solution that aligns with business goals.

By taking a strategic approach to technology and partnerships, mortgage enterprises can position themselves for long-term success in a competitive and rapidly-changing market.


  • Industry: BFS, mortgage operations
  • Geography: global (US)


In this study, we focus on:

  • Challenges during the mortgage downturn
  • Enterprise priorities in the mortgage downturn
  • Operational and technical pain points of mortgage enterprises


Banking and Financial Services Business Process

Sourcing and Vendor Management