People Analytics Platforms


Talent management has emerged as a strategic priority for organizations in today’s fast-paced business environment. Business leaders and people managers must comprehend, optimize, and retain their talent. However, relying solely on intuition to define talent strategy is inadequate, and they must adopt a data-driven and evidence-based approach.

The people data available in numerous systems within an organization is a valuable resource, and leaders can unlock its power with analytics. People analytics platforms can assist leaders in taking the guesswork out of talent management by collating every piece of data about an organization’s talent to generate meaningful insights and address talent challenges. These platforms can guide leaders to take necessary interventions and improve organizational performance by identifying vital moments in employees’ journey and shedding light on the most pressing workforce-related issues.

In this report, we provide an overview of the people analytics platforms market, including its architecture, use cases, role during economic uncertainty, and the provider landscape. The report also highlights enterprises’ key considerations for adopting people analytics platforms to spearhead their talent strategy.


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In this report, we examine:

  • Factors driving the need for people analytics
  • Available analytics tools within the HR analytics landscape
  • People analytics platforms’ features, architecture, and use cases
  • Role of people analytics amid economic uncertainty
  • Market overview and provider landscape
  • Enterprises’ key considerations for adopting people analytics platforms


Human Resources

Sourcing and Vendor Management