Nine Employee Experience Solutions Enterprises Need – Is Surviving the Recession Enough?


Macroeconomic uncertainties and the impending recession are compelling enterprises to take defensive measures such as shutting down businesses and laying off employees.

From a workforce perspective, enterprises must take reactive measures to improve efficiencies, communicate effectively, and cut costs during a recession. However, research has indicated that Employee Experience (EX) plays a vital role during economic slowdown and uncertainty. Enterprises must prioritize long-term, employee-centric, and forward-thinking priorities – guard, evolve and thrive. EX solutions can help realize these business goals and generate value, innovate processes, and engage employees to emerge stronger on the other side of the recession.

In this viewpoint, we examine the current economic downturn, its impact on employee expectations and experiences, enterprise priorities when tackling these uncertainties and expectations, and nine EX solutions that can help enterprises achieve their objectives in a volatile environment. The report also recommends a roadmap for enterprises to select and implement the most suitable EX solution to achieve their goals.


  • Industry: all
  • Geography: global


In this report, we examine:

  • The impact of economic uncertainty on enterprise talent strategy
  • Enterprise priorities during an economic downturn
  • Identifying the right EX solution for enterprise priorities
  • Nine EX solutions that you should know about
  • A roadmap for enterprises


Human Resources


Contingent Staffing

Contingent Workforce Management Services

Sourcing and Vendor Management