Playing to Win: Transforming Agent Experience with Gamification


The pandemic-induced global shutdowns accelerated the adoption of remote work, driving numerous contact centers to transition to a work from home or hybrid model. While flexible work models offer benefits such as cost savings, heightened agent flexibility, and reduced environmental impact, they often pose challenges related to agent productivity and engagement. Therefore, companies are slowly realizing the need to engage their contact center agents to drive high performance in remote and hybrid work models.

Gamification is a strategy that incorporates game design elements to improve various aspects within the work environment, including employee onboarding, performance management, and customer interactions. Within contact centers, it plays a vital role in elevating agent engagement and performance levels, ultimately resulting in enhanced customer service and organizational success.

In this viewpoint, we examine gamification in the Customer Experience Management (CXM) landscape and recommend how enterprises can transform agent experience from this strategy.


All industries and geographies


In this viewpoint, we examine:

  • Key aspects of a gamified experience ecosystem
  • Challenges and considerations for gamifying the agent experience
  • Road ahead for gamification


Customer Experience Management (CXM) Services, including Contact Center Outsourcing

Sourcing and Vendor Management