Contact Center-as-a-Service (CCaaS) – Provider Compendium 2023

Provider Compendium Report

The Contact Center-as-a-Service (CCaaS) market is growing rapidly, driven by the increasing demand for flexible remote work solutions, the need for exceptional customer service, and the requirement for scalability. Everest Group defines CCaaS as a cloud-based offering that includes essential capabilities for managing omnichannel customer interactions through capabilities such as automatic call distribution, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and self-service tools, workforce optimization and scheduling/forecasting, and reporting and management insights. By leveraging CCaaS, companies can easily scale their contact center operations without significant investments in infrastructure and software. As a result, many businesses are transitioning from traditional on-premise contact center solutions to cloud-based CCaaS solutions for greater flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. The CCaaS market is highly competitive, with numerous providers offering solutions with varying degrees of sophistication and pricing models. Additionally, the industry is experiencing consolidation, with larger companies acquiring smaller participants to expand their service portfolio and increase market share.

This compendium provides comprehensive and fact-based snapshots of eight CCaaS technology providers. Each profile specifies the provider’s position on Everest Group’s PEAK Matrix® and offers an insightful analysis of its capabilities. The compendium will enable providers to benchmark their capabilities against their peers, while buyers will be able to assess the providers based on their desired set of capabilities


All industries and geographies


In this report, we evaluate eight CCaaS solutions providers on their:

  • Company overview
  • Market adoption and capabilities
  • Recent investments and announcements
  • Client portfolio mix
  • Product overview, features and functionalities, and key enhancements
  • Location footprint
  • Capabilities across PEAK Matrix® dimensions
  • Key strengths and limitations


Customer Experience Management (CXM) Services, including Contact Center Outsourcing

Sourcing and Vendor Management