Technology as a Strategic Differentiator in an Organization’s Growth


Enterprises across industries are increasing technology investments to drive growth amid continuously evolving customer expectations. However, not all of these investments produce the desired returns, as most enterprises lack a well-defined, enterprise-wide technology investment strategy and end up making investments that do not share common goals.

Everest Group has identified best-in-class or Pinnacle Enterprises that seem to have cracked the code by achieving superior business outcomes due to their advanced technology capabilities. The journeys of these companies provide insights into the key enablers required to achieve the desired outcomes and the investments required for the greatest speed to impact. Whether companies are wanting to make incremental changes or achieve major transformations, Pinnacle Enterprises exemplify the way to success.

To better understand technology’s role in creating differentiation among enterprises, we studied 119 mid-market enterprises (enterprises with annual revenues in the range of US$100 million-2.5 billion) to explore their approaches to technology adoption and the outcomes they realized.

Everest Group conducted this Pinnacle Model study via a survey that considered multiple assessment dimensions. The survey was complemented by detailed one-on-one conversations with Pinnacle Enterprises and other firms to gain an in-depth understanding of their approaches. This report details our findings, impact/outcome areas, and the key investment levers driving high business outcomes for enterprises.


All industries and geographies


This report examines:

  • Differentiators for Pinnacle Enterprises
  • Enterprise capability maturity
  • Enterprise outcomes and impact
  • Technology capabilities and enterprise challenges


Application Services

Banking and Financial Services Information Technology

Cloud and Infrastructure Services


Data & Analytics

Digital Services

Digital Workplace

Enterprise Platform Services (EPS)

Healthcare Payer and Provider Information Technology

Insurance Information Technology

Life Sciences Information Technology

Sourcing and Vendor Management