Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) – Technology Provider Compendium 2022

Provider Compendium Report

Everest Group defines Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) as a process that leverages a software product or solution to capture data from documents (e.g., emails, text, PDFs, and scanned documents), categorize it, and extract relevant data for further processing using AI technologies such as computer vision, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and machine/deep learning. The solution is typically non-invasive and can be integrated with internal applications, systems, and other automation platforms.

IDP products find a wide range of uses in different business functions and verticals. They are offered as either platforms that allow enterprises to deploy out-of-the-box solutions using pre-built modules or as custom solutions that help buyers classify and extract data from documents. IDP solutions help enterprises to not only achieve cost savings, but also improve workforce productivity and employee and customer experience. These products are rapidly becoming more sophisticated in their capabilities, features, and functionalities.

In this report, we feature detailed profiles of 36 leading IDP technology providers and evaluate their offerings and capabilities to assist existing and potential IDP buyers in assessing the providers on the capabilities they desire.


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This report provides key stakeholders a snapshot of 36 leading IDP technology providers’ offerings and capabilities. It also allows technology providers to compare their offerings, capabilities, strengths, and limitations with other providers in the marketplace.

Each technology provider profile includes the following details:

  • Company overview
  • Recent investments & announcements
  • Market adoption & capability overview
  • Client portfolio mix
  • Partnerships
  • Product overview
  • Product features & functionalities and key enhancements
  • Capabilities across PEAK Matrix® dimensions
  • Key strengths & limitations


Service Optimization Technologies (SOT)

Sourcing and Vendor Management