Global Locations State of the Market 2022: Talent Drives Locations Strategies | Risk Watch

State of the Market Report

The Global Locations State of the Market Report 2022 describes the global services locations landscape and interprets location-related developments and trends to design a best-fit locations portfolio strategy. The overall report has three parts – Key Trends Shaping the Landscape, Risk Watch, and Locations PEAK Matrix®. It presents insights into market size and growth, global services exports by region and country, location activity by region and country, and trends affecting global locations. It also provides industry-leading comparison and analysis of key changes in the maturity, arbitrage, stability, and potential of global delivery locations (cities) through our PEAK Matrix®assessment of locations.

The Risk Watch section provides a comprehensive view of the operating and business environments in major delivery locations globally, along with select source geographies. We also focus on the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict and assess its impact on global services delivery.


Industry: global services

Geography: global


This report examines:

  • A snapshot of the operating and business environment at different locations in a region, including APAC, the Americas, and EMEA
  • Key changes in the risk profiles of different delivery locations
  • Key risks/opportunities to watch out for in delivery locations across regions
  • Risk ratings across seven primary parameters of assessment
  • Important occurrences in the past one year likely to impact providers/buyers, or are worth watching out for


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Sourcing and Vendor Management