Moving Toward Scaled, Successful, and Sustained Digital Transformation


Digital transformation is a key differentiator for enterprises and has, in fact, become essential for a sustainable and profitable business. However, even as enterprises rush to embrace digital transformation, they should be aware of the many pitfalls along the way that could limit their ability to achieve the desired returns on investment. For digital transformation to be successful, it should be underpinned by an open and collaborative culture, a robust change management strategy, and a right-fit governance program. The initiative should be layered with foundational technology that factors in customers, partners, the workforce, and broader community.

For such a complex ecosystem, a point solution-based approach will not yield optimum results. Enterprises should, therefore, adopt a platform-based approach that brings together all necessary best-of-breed technologies, enabling methodologies, and scaling elements required for digital transformation.

All industries and geographies

In this report, we elaborate on the need for enterprises to fundamentally rethink their people, processes, and technology pillars to achieve sustained and scalable business outcomes from their AI initiatives.


In this report, we provide:

  • An assessment of digital transformation initiatives across industries over time
  • Reasons for the failure and success of digital transformation initiatives
  • A comparison of platform- and point solution-based approaches to digital transformation


Digital Services

Sourcing and Vendor Management