Systems of Growth – Building a Platform-based Operating Model to Innovate and Differentiate at Enterprise Speed and Scale

State of the Market Report

The IT organization’s role is evolving from a run and efficiency mandate to a driver of business growth, change, and innovation. Consequently, the traditional technology stack is shifting from a system of records and efficiency mandates to that of systems of growth. This new systems-based thinking is centered around customer journeys that extend beyond traditional enterprise boundaries and tap into inter-enterprise networks.

With increasing disruptions to traditional business models and the rapid adoption of exponential technologies, such as Web 3.0, the metaverse, and 5G and, the enterprises need a new technology strategy to compete in the market.

In this research, we investigate the reasons behind enterprise adoption of systems of growth. We emphasize on a revenue-enablement mindset for IT businesses by making a business case for the systems of growth strategy, which involves investments in data, platforms, customer journeys, process maps, and ecosystems.


  • All industries and geographies
  • Focus areas: emerging technologies, platforms, innovation, and inter-industry networks
  • Contents

    This report examines:

    • A revenue-enablement mindset for IT organizations as drivers of the systems of growth thinking
    • A business case for the systems of growth approach
    • Operationalizing systems of growth through investments in data, platforms, customer journeys, process maps, and ecosystems


    Digital Services

    Sourcing and Vendor Management