Application Services: Time to Revive Quality Assurance with an Evolved Vision

State of the Market Report

The COVID-19 pandemic had slowed enterprise investments in quality initiatives. However, with enterprises increasing their investments in digital technologies over the last year, it has become vital for them to resolve any challenges they face from a quality perspective, such as those related to the capabilities, talent requirements, and scalability of these digital investments.

Enterprises should also shift their focus from Quality Assurance (QA) focused on application efficiency to QA focused on business growth to maximize the value from their QA initiatives. Everest Group has identified a 4R approach to help enterprises revamp their QA mandates. The 4R approach will help enterprises expand their scope of QA to include business and value assurance.


  • All industries and geographies
  • Market segment: Application Services (AS)
  • Sources leveraged: analyst inputs, Everest Group research (spanning recruiters, industry experts, and industry associations), ongoing interactions with enterprises and providers, and publicly available data sources


In this research, we propose a way forward for enterprises to future-proof their application strategies. We examine:

  • AS market size by geography and industry vertical
  • AS buyer trends by geography, industry vertical, and revenue size
  • Key trends shaping the AS market (focus on QA investments for business growth)

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Application Services

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