Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs)


With rapid advances in technology, organizations globally are feeling the urgency to upskill and reskill their workforce at scale. However, as they undertake this uphill task, organizations are realizing that their traditional learning systems are inadequate to meet the evolving demands due to their outdated and non-engaging user interfaces, the lack of flexibility and integration capabilities, a push-based strategy to learning, the lack of smart search functionality, and limited insights and reporting.

To address these enterprise challenges, providers have come up with Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs), which are user-centric L&D software that consolidate content from diverse sources and provide a personalized learning experience to users/learners. They make learning more engaging and accessible for employees, while also helping enterprises address skills gaps and prepare a workforce ready to take on the challenges of today and tomorrow.

This research provides an overview of the LXP market, including its features, key use cases, and the vendor landscape. It highlights why organizations need LXPs and how they can help enterprises meet new learning mandates in an ever-changing world.


All industries and geographies


In this report, we focus on:

  • Factors driving the need for LXPs
  • Features and use cases of LXPs
  • Market overview and vendor landscape
  • The road ahead for LXPs


Human Resources

Sourcing and Vendor Management