Technology Services Talent Handbook – Do You Have the Right Locations in Your Delivery Portfolio?

Thematic Report

Technology services have become critical for enterprises to ensure continued engagement and superior user experiences for customers. While the COVID-19 pandemic impacted global economies and affected most industries and verticals, it proved to be a blessing in disguise for technology-led R&D services, which grew manifold due to digital enablement across all businesses. In fact, digital transformation led to faster adoption of emerging technologies (such as AI, ML, blockchain, and 5G) among enterprises and consumers globally. Therefore, it is vital for market participants (enterprises, GBS organizations, and service providers) to continue to introduce and leverage these new avenues in their wider service delivery constructs in a sustained manner. To remain competitive and sustainable, market stakeholders will also have to review their location strategies and develop a delivery portfolio that aligns with the blueprint of their digital transformation go-to-market strategy.

This Everest Group handbook will support market participants looking to identify the right location/s to support technology services delivery. It highlights the relative attractiveness of leading global locations for supporting technology services based on a holistic and multi-faceted assessment. The handbook examines technology services’ delivery attractiveness along three broad dimensions:

  • Talent pulse: an assessment of market maturity, entry, and employed talent-related attributes for technology services
  • Financial feasibility: an assessment of a location’s financial attractiveness for delivering technology services from an operating cost perspective
  • Enablers: a study of enabling drivers – such as infrastructure, digital readiness, start-up ecosystem, and the business environment – essential for technology services delivery


The handbook analyzes the attractiveness of 20 locations for technology services delivery, including software, quality assurance, data services, and exponential technology skills clusters, across major geographies and industries

Industry: global sourcing, engineering services

Geography: global


In this report, we examine the attractiveness of 20 locations for technology services delivery and help market participants select:

  • The locations that have the right set of skills and talent availability
  • The locations that are financially feasible to sustain operations
  • The locations that provide the best operating and business environment to set up delivery centers

We also carry out a comparative assessment of locations to help build an optimized delivery portfolio.


Locations Insider™

GBS/SS Talent Excellence

Engineering Services

Sourcing and Vendor Management