Disruptive and Innovative Technology Solutions for Global Business Services (GBS) Talent Management

Market Report

10 Nov 2021
Akshay Mathur
Hisham Ahmed Rizvi

COVID-19 has intensified the ongoing war for talent. Sourcing, activating, and retaining top talent – employees with specialized functional and behavioral skills that enable organizations to survive amid uncertainties and thrive in intense competition – are becoming ever more critical to organizational success. As talent becomes the differentiating factor, GBS organizations are turning to technology solutions that optimize various aspects of talent management, provide access to real-time data-driven insights, eliminate process inefficiencies, help track the effectiveness of initiatives, and enable accurate decision-making. Organizations are leveraging next-generation technologies, such as data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and analytics to manage talent and business challenges more effectively.

To help GBS organizations future-proof their talent management strategies, Everest Group studied 50+ innovative technology solutions that offer a unique value proposition and enable organizations to streamline talent management processes, making them more real-time, data-driven, and outcome-oriented. GBS organizations can use this intelligence in addition to our Talent Performance Framework to optimize their talent management processes and plan current and future talent needs. 

This report highlights the key aspects of talent management that are experiencing exponential growth, as well as disruptive and innovative technology solutions that are redefining talent management. It also sheds light on the technology solutions’ evolving value propositions that GBS organizations must watch out for.


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This report studies:

  • The impact of COVID-19 on talent management in GBS organizations
  • Disruptive and innovative technology solutions for GBS firms 
  • Disruptive technology solutions in six key areas: Talent sourcing, talent assessment, learning and development, career pathing, productivity, and employee well-being         


GBS/SS Talent Excellence