Building a Differentiated Global Business Services (GBS) Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

Market Report

27 May 2021
Rohitashwa Aggarwal
Hisham Ahmed Rizvi

This report is available only to GBS/SS Talent Excellence members. For information on membership, please contact us

Faced with intense competition over talent and ever-widening demand-supply gaps, it has become critical for Global Business Services (GBS) organizations to clearly articulate the Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and promote their brand in local talent markets. As GBS organizations prepare for the next normal, there is an urgent need to evolve their EVP in line with evolving skills-related needs and the market landscape, placing special emphasis on modern EVP levers.

This report will help GBS leaders understand the key factors driving the need for an evolved EVP, traditional and modern EVP levers, and the impact of COVID-19 on critical aspects of EVP. We also provide actionable insights on how GBS organizations can improve their employee value proposition.

The research will be relevant for a broad set of GBS stakeholders interested in enhancing the EVP of their organizations.


This research leverages interactions with enterprise and GBS CXOs across locations and industry verticals, Everest Group’s proprietary GBS database (the industry’s most comprehensive database on GBS centers), and our prior experience of helping companies on similar engagements.


This report examines:

  • The importance of EVP for GBS organizations
  • Key factors driving the need to evolve EVP
  • Traditional and modern EVP levers
  • Examples of innovative practices vis-à-vis traditional EVP levers
  • Examples of emerging practices to enhance EVP
  • COVID-19 and the increased focus on employee well-being
  • The evolving approach to diversity and inclusion


GBS/SS Talent Excellence