Five Essentials of Core Modernization and Cloud Strategy for Travel, Transportation, and Hospitality


The travel, transportation, logistics, and hospitality industry was among the most severely impacted industries during the pandemic. In the next 18 to 24 months, it is expected to experience a slow, staggered, and phased recovery. The key reason for this sluggish recovery is a prodigious change in consumer behavior and consumer expectations. Most enterprises face technology or strategic deterrence in dealing with rapidly evolving consumer needs, and they need to transform their legacy systems to fulfill the changing customer needs in a post-COVID-19 landscape.

This viewpoint explores enterprises’ need to modernize legacy IT systems and adopt cloud-centric business strategies to stay relevant, resilient, and agile. We also explore the key considerations for effective core modernization and cloud adoption by outlining the top challenges that enterprises face with these initiatives and recommending an execution strategy.


Industry: travel, transportation, logistics, and hospitality

Geography: global


In this viewpoint, we discuss:

  • The need for core modernization and migration to cloud-based operating models
    • Enterprise objectives from core modernization investments ‒ by industry
    • Typical methods that enterprises adopt for core modernization
  • Why cloud adoption is a fundamental building block for core modernization
  • Key considerations for effective core modernization and cloud adoption – challenges and takeaways for enterprises
  • Everest Group’s execution framework for effective core modernization and cloud adoption


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