Cloud in Capital Markets – the Backbone of Digital Financial Infrastructures

Thematic Report

Capital markets firms are seeing a wave of disruption due to an increase in digital assets, the demand for self-service and personalized experiences, and threat from new competitors. They are seeking ways to adapt and innovate in the face of a low interest-rate environment and decreasing margins. Additional cost pressures and the need for faster time-to-market are driving accelerated transformation and modernization initiatives.

Increasingly, capital markets firms are moving workloads to the cloud for increased agility, access to disruptive and innovative technology, improved performance, and reduced infrastructure cost, enabling them to deliver customer-centric, personalized experiences. There is a need for collaboration in the financial services ecosystem to help firms leverage and partner with technology vendors to create and deliver new products and innovate at speed and scale.

As capital markets firms navigate a complex regulatory landscape and continue to face a volatile economic environment, we explore the current state of cloud adoption in capital markets, the drivers for cloud adoption, benefits and challenges for capital markets firms, and how enterprises, service providers, and technology vendors can collaborate to build a financial services ecosystem.

In this report, we lay out the key priorities for capital markets firms in 2021 and key strategy initiatives they need to undertake, as well as explore how cloud adoption serves as a long-term revenue-enablement initiative, and not just a tool to cut costs.


Industry: banking and financial services

Geography: global


In this report, we study:

  • The key priorities for capital markets firms
  • The cloud as a catalyst for digital adoption at scale
  • The need for innovation at speed and scale to design new products
  • The need for data value realization with cloud adoption
  • IT infrastructure for a hybrid work model
  • Implications for enterprises, service providers, and technology vendors


Banking Information Technology

Sourcing and Vendor Management