Future of Work Series: Reimagining Workforce and Workplace Mechanics


Organizations globally have had to overcome unprecedented challenges to sustain business activity in the last 18 months. Before 2020, rapid technological advances, changing workforce demographics, and evolving customer expectations were already shaping work and the modern workplace, and COVID-19 accelerated this momentum. This push created an increasing need for organizations to relook at their workforce and the mechanics of work and the workplace afresh.

Everest Group and Talent Solutions have collaborated to undertake the Future of Work research and will present the findings over a series of three viewpoints. Our research leverages existing intellectual property and data from a survey of 200 senior HR leaders across geographies, industries, and organization sizes. In particular, we examine the three key questions confronting the workforce and workplace mechanics:

  • Where will the work be done?
  • Who will do the work?
  • How will the work be done?

This paper, the first in the series, answers the question, “Where will work be done?” As organizations increasingly look at ways to support and grow their businesses in an environment characterized by extreme uncertainty, HR leaders will need to be at the forefront of such work management efforts. This research provides practical advice to HR leaders and organizations on how to navigate the next normal for their organizations.

Scope: Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

Industry: all

Geography: global


In this report, we explore:

  • Disruptions in work and the workplace
  • Workforce design principles for the future of work
  • How to implement a hybrid working model in your organization
  • How to deploy a global talent acquisition strategy at your organization

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Sourcing and Vendor Management