How Enterprises/GBSs Can Drive Effective Collaboration with Startups

30 Mar 2020
Vivek Bhatia

This report is available only to GICs & Shared Services members. For information on membership, please contact us

GICs have a unique view that enables them to see their organizations both from the outside looking in and the inside looking out. As a result, they are able to offer strategic insights to orchestrate enterprise-wide innovation. Our emerging analysis shows that more and more enterprises are leveraging their GICs to partner with start-ups to source innovation ideas across their products and services portfolios. As enterprises/GICs leverage these partners across various stages of the innovation cycle, articulating the key objectives and defining what success looks like for the collaborating partners is increasingly critical.

Scope and Content

This Accelerator illustrates three critical aspects of designing and driving an effective collaboration program with startups

  • The various roles GICs can play in driving collaboration with startups
  • Key design elements that GICs must articulate and align with the overall enterprise objectives
  • Pitfalls to avoid during the implementation stage