GBS State of the Market Report: Evolving Operating and Governance Models to Build GBS of the Future

31 Mar 2020
Rohitashwa Aggarwal
Aditi Bansal
Shivani Mudgil

The global sourcing market grew rapidly to surpass US$211 billion in 2019, with Global Business Services (GBS) continuing to be an integral component of the sourcing model, accounting for ~27% of the market.

The success of GBS model in India, Ireland, Poland, Philippines, and China has led buyers to explore it in other locations in Asia, Central & Eastern Europe (CEE), Rest of Nearshore Europe (RONE, which includes Ireland, Norther Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Portugal), Latin America, and Middle East & Africa (MEA). The GBS market has also expanded across verticals and functions.


This research leverages Everest Group’s proprietary GBS database, the industry’s most comprehensive database on GBS centers, and covers GBS centers that provide offshore delivery of global services. It excludes shared service centers that serve domestic operations.

The report will be relevant for a broad set of stakeholders — buyers / parent organizations, service providers, GBS organizations, and industry influencers (investors, industry bodies, etc.).


In this report, we provide an in-depth analysis of the GBS landscape and trends, including market size, growth, and distribution of GBS centers by buyer portfolio, scale, functions supported, and offshore delivery locations. The study concludes with a deep dive into the changing operating and governance models for GBS.

