BigTech Battle: Assessing Enterprise Readiness of Blockchain Frameworks – Protocols of the Decentralized Ecosystem

Over the past few years, blockchain technology has moved beyond the hype to solve real-world problems. During the past year alone, deployments have moved from proof-of-concepts to in-production projects, signaling the technology’s readiness to scale for enterprise use.

A key catalyst in the rapid adoption of blockchain technology has been a rise in the maturity of blockchain frameworks. Backed by leading technology vendors, enterprises, and start-ups, these frameworks serve as the foundation for most enterprise blockchain initiatives and managed platforms. Their open source nature makes it easy and cost-effective for businesses to experiment and prototype, while their vast developer network, talent pool, and ever-maturing services ecosystem firmly establish their production readiness.

This report aims to assist enterprises in assessing the readiness and suitability of 13 blockchain frameworks in terms of their capabilities, ecosystems, and adoption. The assessment is based on briefings by consortia leading these frameworks and public disclosures, as well as Everest Group’s proprietary database and interactions with enterprises and blockchain system integrators.


We assess offerings from the following 13 blockchain frameworks in this study: BigchainDB, Corda, EOS.IO, Ethereum, Hashgraph, Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Indy, Hyperledger Iroha, Hyperledger Sawtooth, IOTA, MultiChain, NEO, and Quorum.

This report assesses the enterprise readiness of blockchain frameworks across all industries and geographies.


We cover the following topics in this report:

  • Background and definition of blockchain frameworks
  • Assessment of blockchain frameworks for enterprise use
  • Profiles of blockchain frameworks


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