Application Services – Preparing for the Post-Pandemic World

State of the Market Report

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on IT services globally, as seen in enterprise demand reductions, supply chain disruptions, challenges to business continuity, cybersecurity risks, and services continuity challenges. Application services has not been spared; however, we recommend enterprises to view these challenges as opportunities to build a more resilient organization.

To help enterprises future-proof their application services strategies, Everest Group has leveraged its large repository of existing research on application services, as well as ongoing market conversations with leading global enterprises and service providers, to arrive at a set of recommendations.

This report will help enterprises understand the potential reasons why their pre-pandemic application strategies were not optimized to respond to the rapidly evolving business conditions and what can they do now to ensure future readiness. The research also captures trends at an overall ITS level, as well as deal trends in application services for 2019.


  • Geography: global (all industries and geographies)
  • Market segment: application services
  • Sources leveraged: analyst inputs, Everest Group research (covering recruiters, industry experts, and industry associations), ongoing interactions with enterprises and service providers, and publicly available secondary data sources


In this research, we propose a way for enterprises to future-proof their applications strategies. The report is divided into the following sections:

  • Overall information technology services market size and growth
  • Featured analysis, which covers the impact COVID-19 on application services and recommendations for enterprises
  • Application services overview, covering key trends in the application services market, including bundling, sources of opportunity, deal details, and scope of services
  • Key buyer adoption trends in application services


Application Services

Sourcing and Vendor Management