Collaboration to Beat Disruption: Future of Contingent Workforce Management (CWM)

Contingent Workforce Management (CWM) is a relatively mature area, and most enterprises are currently struggling to achieve benefits beyond cost savings from their CWM programs. Some best-in-class enterprises have been able to derive better outcomes – including overall business and strategic impact.

We recently conducted a survey to understand the capability maturity and outcomes of enterprises’ contingent workforce programs and identified best-in-class enterprises, which had achieved the most distinctive outcomes from their CWM programs. Our analysis revealed that best-in-class enterprises ensure collaboration between procurement and HR, which distinguishes them from their counterparts and helps them achieve business and strategic benefits beyond cost savings from their CWM programs.


We have assessed 68 global enterprises of varying sizes, from various industries, with an active contingent workforce program.


In this report, we study the following topics:

  • Key findings – collaborative management style
  • Avenues for collaboration
  • Major benefits of collaboration


Contingent Workforce Management Services

Recruitment Process (RPO)