Customer Experience Management (CXM) State of the Market Report on Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) 2021

State of the Market Report

The Customer Experience Management (CXM) outsourcing market in Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) has steadily grown over the last few years, driven by increased adoption of digital services across verticals and regions. However, COVID-19-induced restrictions are expected to contract the market, driven by the severe impact on energy & utilities, travel & hospitality, and manufacturing sectors, which experience high CXM adoption in Europe. Going forward, CXM industry growth in EMEA is expected to be driven by the adoption of digital solutions by buyers wanting to control costs and enhance customer experience.

In this research, we present a comprehensive picture of the CXM outsourcing market in EMEA across various dimensions. Our analysis is based on Everest Group’s annual RFI process, interactions with leading CXM service providers, client reference checks, and our ongoing coverage of the EMEA CXM services market.


  • Industries: all
  • Geography: Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)


In this study, we present:

  • Impact of COVID-19 on the EMEA CXM outsourcing market
  • Market overview – growth trends and projections
  • Market overview – market trends
  • Service provider landscape – buyer trends
  • Outlook for 2020-2021


Customer Experience Management (CXM) Services, including Contact Center Outsourcing

Sourcing and Vendor Management