Practitioner Perspectives – Mastering Efficiency and Innovation with Intelligent Automation

Over the last few years, Intelligent Automation (IA) has emerged as a tool to achieve operational excellence and process optimization. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), which constitute IA, promise to deliver significant business impact, but it is imperative for enterprises to follow the right adoption approach to unlock maximum benefit.

Some enterprises have managed IA opportunities and risks better than others, developing differentiated capabilities to derive superior outcomes. Siemens AG’s Global Business Services transformation via automation is one such success story. Within three years, the company has successfully deployed more than 450 IA use cases at its Global Business Services (GBS) center, yielding 650,000 automated hours per year. It has also been able to reduce cycle time by up to 40% by implementing business process management use cases along end-to-end business processes. Further, the company has introduced virtual workers, called Digital Companions, which now handle up to 30% of customer queries completely on their own, while improving customer experience measurably.


Siemen’s automation journey, in conversation with Hannes Apitzsch, GBS CEO, and Matthias Egelhaaf, Head of Digital Solutions, Siemen AG’s GBS



In this edition of Everest Group’s Practitioner Perspectives, Hannes and Matthias share their insights and experience on:


  • Factors that drove IA adoption at Siemen AG
  • Role of RPA in the organization’s acceptance and adoption of other technologies, such as AI, analytics, and process mining
  • Key challenges in the automation journey
  • Management of the talent model and workforce strategies
  • Development of internal capabilities versus engagements with third-party technology providers
  • Best practices and critical success factors that enabled large-scale adoption
  • Future outlook for IA initiatives
  • Sample use cases and processes that were automated


Service Optimization Technologies (SOT)