BigTech Battle: Assessing Managed Blockchain Platform Readiness for Enterprise Use – Gearing Up for the Adoption Wave

Over the past few years, blockchain technology has moved beyond the hype to solve real-world problems. During the past year alone, deployments have moved from proof-of-concepts to in-production projects, signaling the technology’s readiness to scale for enterprise use.

Although open source blockchain frameworks remain the predominant means of adopting blockchain for many enterprises, many are looking for mature and deployment-ready solutions that are easy to adopt, maintain, and manage. Traditional software vendors, cloud providers, and next-generation start-ups are capitalizing on this need through managed blockchain platforms, often on top of open frameworks.

In this report, we carry out a market and landscape assessment of 12 such blockchain platforms in terms of their capabilities, ecosystems, and adoption levels. The report helps enterprises assess the readiness and suitability of various blockchain platforms as they look to adopt blockchain into their technology stack.


We assess offerings from the following 12 blockchain platforms vendors in this study: Alibaba cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure, BurstIQ, HPE, IBM, Jelurida, Multichain, Oracle, SAP, Sovrin, and VMware


The report covers the following topics:

  • Background and definition of blockchain managed platforms
  • Assessment of blockchain managed platforms for enterprise use
  • Profiles of blockchain managed platform vendors


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