Embedded System Engineering Services PEAK Matrix™ Assessment: Enabling the Era of Connected and Intelligent Products

As connected ecosystems gain precedence, embedded system engineering is assuming center stage in enabling the development of intelligent products and services. It forms the backbone of numerous emerging themes including Internet of Things (IoT), Machine-To-Machine (M2M) communication, computer vision, telematics, robotics, and Augmented Reality (AR).

Enterprises across verticals are looking to leverage these themes to steer the next wave of innovative offerings and efficient operations. However, they are faced with challenges ranging from unavailability of requisite product design and technology skills to high capital requirements.

To overcome these challenges, enterprises are increasingly looking at service provider engagements. They expect service providers to not only provide the engineering headcounts, but to also offer superior domain expertise, reusable frameworks/accelerators, and embedded system engineering infrastructure to enable a smooth and accelerated product development journey.

In this research, we present fact-based trends impacting the embedded system engineering services market, along with the assessment and detailed profiles of 14 service providers featured on the embedded system engineering services PEAK Matrix.

Scope of this report

  • Services: Embedded system engineering services
  • Geography: Global
  • Service providers: 14 leading embedded system engineering service providers


The research comprises three broad chapters:

  • Embedded system engineering services market trends:
    • Embedded system engineering services market size and projected growth
    • Market breakdown by verticals, geographies, value chain elements, and service functions
    • Analysis of key trends driving the growth in embedded system engineering
    • Key enterprise imperatives for engaging with service providers

  • PEAK Matrix for embedded system engineering services:
    • Analysis of market impact and capabilities of 14 service providers based on the Everest Group Performance | Experience | Ability | Knowledge (PEAK) MatrixTM, which is a composite index of a range of distinct metrics related to a service provider’s vision & capability and market impact
    • Key characteristics of the three service provider categories–Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants
    • Insights into enterprise feedback for the three service provider categories

  • Embedded system engineering service provider profiles: Detailed profiles of 14 service providers that give a comprehensive picture of their embedded system engineering services vision, scale & scope of operations, key solutions, and partnerships


Engineering Services