What is the True Maturity of the Indian Contact Center Market?

The Indian contact center industry has witnessed a slow growth over the past decade. Companies have either repatriated work or have moved to alternate locations, especially for voice work. Having lost the status of the largest contact center delivery market to the Philippines a few years ago, the location continues to face misconceptions about the extent of its maturity for service delivery.

However, there is a revival in interest to support global services delivery from India. Increasing traction in non-voice channels (e.g., chat, email, and social media) along with geopolitical risk perceptions in certain leading contact center delivery locations (e.g., the Philippines and Mexico), is pushing enterprises to reconsider the value proposition of India for contact center services delivery.


While the industry is witnessing a revival, there are still myths around the true maturity of the Indian contact center market and its growth prospects. Through this viewpoint we address the following key questions:

  • Growth and trends in India’s contact center market
  • India’s comparative positioning in the industry
  • Key strengths and value proposition of India for delivery of contact center work
  • Impact of changing industry dynamics on India as a delivery location


Digital disruption in the contact center industry is leading to renewed interest in India as a contact center location. While other competing offshore/nearshore locations are trying to establish capabilities to support this shift (e.g., the Philippines, Poland, and Costa Rica), India has a natural advantage, given larger base of talent pool (especially entry-level pool) and strong technology industry. India can also serve multiple roles as per firm-specific considerations such as a hub for global delivery, CoE for digital channels, or a risk diversification location for the Philippines.


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Contact Center Outsourcing