Small But Mighty: Corporate Functions Delivery from GICs

The global sourcing model for corporate functions has been adopted by many organizations. By corporate functions, we refer to Finance & Accounting (F&A), Human Resources (HR), procurement, legal, marketing, real estate, and corporate communications. Even amongst these functions, there are differences with respect to their Global In-house Center (GIC) market sizes (in FTEs) and adoption maturity. Traditionally, since it was one of the first functions to be delivered through the GIC model, F&A comprises the largest portion of the GIC market along with high adoption maturity, followed by HR and procurement. However, growth is also being witnessed in GIC delivery amongst the other corporate functions.

This report explores the various aspects of delivery of corporate functions by GICs. It also shares perspectives on the motivations behind adoption of the GIC model, successful examples across key firms, and key locations that are typically leveraged for delivery. Additionally, it provides insights into the adoption maturity across various processes within each function and complements these maturity ratings through targeted case studies. Lastly, it also includes key future trends that are likely to be observed in the delivery of corporate functions by GICs.

Scope and contents

This report has been designed as a compilation of independent profiles for each corporate function mentioned above. Each profile includes the following:

  • Overview of the function
    • Key trends, GIC adoption trends, and type of players for the function
  • Function value chain
  • GIC adoption maturity
    • Process-wise adoption maturity
  • Delivery location landscape
    • Key regions/countries where GICs have been set-up for the function
  • Representative case studies

