RPA Futures

While enterprises leverage RPA to increase enterprise efficiency, a shortage of skills and lack of RPA experience is leading to longer than expected deployment times, and scaling issues.

RPA is the natural next step for leading enterprises that have already invested in service efficiency measures such as use of six sigma, process optimization, and outsourcing to increase their operational efficiencies. They have also leveraged various technologies to build their digital capabilities, integrate, and automate the processes. The rise of RPA has lowered the cost and effort barriers to enhance the digital capabilities. RPA is also disrupting the labor arbitrage model as robots take over repetitive and rules-based transactional processes, freeing people to do other work.

The drive for automation comes with its own challenges, these include a shortage of skills, projects that can take longer than expected, and scaling up issues. This study looks into these challenges and how the RPA industry can effectively address them. It covers the emerging trends toward adoption of intelligent robots alongside RPA platforms. It also explores the move toward industry- and function-specific solutions, as enterprises seek to speed up and increase the scale of automation.


Service Optimization Technologies (SOT)