Business Process Services Delivery Automation (BPSDA) – Service Provider Profile Compendium 2017

The Business Process Services (BPS) market is being buffeted by strong winds of change. Multiple digital elements are disrupting the status quo in the supply as well as demand landscape – enterprises are expecting not only mundane cost reduction, but also next-generation benefits from their BPS relationships; while service providers are recognizing that they need to pivot quickly from the traditional labor arbitrage-driven model to a digital-powered one to provide those benefits to their buyers.

One of the most potent digital levers enabling this transformation is Service Delivery Automation (SDA). A spectrum of SDA solutions is being deployed by service providers to help buyers attain certain key benefits – higher speed, improved accuracy, enhanced customer experience, and reduced cost, among others.

In this context, this report provides a detailed view of 18 broad-based BPS providers’ SDA offerings and capabilities.


The objective of this compendium is to provide key stakeholders a snapshot of the BPSDA offerings and capabilities of 18 leading broad-based service providers. The report allows service providers to compare their areas of strength and development with other service providers in the marketplace. It also helps existing and potential buyers of BPSDA solutions to assess the service providers on the capabilities that they desire.

Each service provider profile covers the following details of service providers vis-à-vis their BPSDA solutions portfolio:

  • Company overview
  • Recent acquisitions and partnerships
  • Offering structures
  • Delivery capabilities
  • Clients portfolio mix
  • Technology solutions
  • Measure of capabilities across PEAK Matrix dimensions
  • Key strengths and areas of improvement for BPS providers


Banking and Financial Services (BFS) - Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

Finance & Accounting Outsourcing

Healthcare & Life Sciences Business Process Outsourcing

Human Resources Outsourcing (HRO)

Insurance - Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

Procurement Outsourcing

Service Optimization Technologies (SOT)