Robotic Process Automation (RPA) – Technology Vendor Profile Compendium

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has the potential to offer fast returns in terms of cost savings, productivity, and speed of deployment. Moreover, this value is realizable at low risk as RPA is largely non-invasive, and easily remediable. As a consequence, both sides of the market, be it enterprises or services providers, are increasing their use of RPA technologies within their global services portfolios. However, for many, RPA is a new field with technologies that in terms of features, deployment models, supporting frameworks, and commercial aspects are still relatively unknown.

In this context, this report provides detailed profiles of 10 leading RPA technology vendors and their products. This report complements another, titled “Robotic Process Automation (RPA) - Technology Vendor Landscape with FIT Matrix Assessment – Technologies for Building a “Virtual Workforce”, which was published in December 2016. It provides further assessments of the technologies as part of Everest Group FIT Matrix™.


The report provides detailed, comprehensive, and fact-based snapshots of 10 key RPA technology vendors. Each four-page technology vendor profile shows a detailed picture of the vendor’s solution scope, technology & deployment characteristics, scale of operations along with Everest Group’s assessment of the provider. The report also analyzes key strengths and areas of improvement for each of the technology vendors from the perspective of their RPA solutions. Additional insights on the capabilities of the different software and the vendors’ market presence by industry, geography & size of buyers, and commercial models have also been provided.

Only robotic tools that are sold on license, and irrespective of any ongoing business or IT process outsourcing services, were considered for this report. These include software that can be deployed and run by the clients in-house or those that require professional services for deployment, as well as ongoing services that are part of a hosted offering.

Tools from these 10 technology vendors have been assessed: Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, Kofax Kapow, Kryon Systems’ Leo, NICE (Robotic Automation), Redwood RoboFinance, Softomotive (WinAutomation & ProcessRobot), Thoughtonomy, UiPath, and WorkFusion.


Service Optimization Technologies