Impending Contract Renewals: "Back to the Future"


It has been 4 years since the economic slowdown struck in 2008. The world of global sourcing is about to enter an interesting period during which outsourcing contracts signed before or around the period of slowdown reach end of term, ready to be possibly renewed. This report explores trends in such contracts that are about to expire between April 2012 and October 2013. It also expands on factors and challenges that impact future renewals.


  • Outsourcing transaction trends
  • Overview of recent changes impacting contract renewals
  • Deep dive into future ITO renewals

Sum of TCV of deals by signing geography 


The report Impending Contract Renewals: “Back to the Future” includes data and insights, specific to deals nearing end of term expanding upon the following:

  • Outsourcing transaction trends by function, geography, industry, and service provider type
  • Recent changes in the sourcing marketplace that are likely to influence how future renewals shape up during the next 18 months
  • Impending ITO contract renewals in greater details (tower-level analyses e.g., deals with datacenter in scope) and given some of the recent changes, how the possible competition landscape may change for a popular contract’s renewal