Social Networks for Global Delivery - Get that ITCH


Global delivery model is getting significant traction in outsourcing engagements. Over a number of years, many service providers developed a well-oiled global delivery network and others are investing in this model.

The growth in this delivery model brings out various challenges that need to be addressed. Service providers are investing to improve their delivery competence through various innovations. However, most of them are largely neglecting a strategic asset for this purpose, the internal social networking / collaboration platform.

There is an inherent lack of understanding about the role that a well designed social network can play in a global delivery model. Most of the providers focused on creating Q&A forums featuring technical or general discussions and refer to them as their “collaboration or social network platform.”

Everest Group analyzed the limitations of these platforms and their ineffectiveness to impact a global delivery model. We also analyzed the challenges in a typical global delivery set-up and the role a well designed internal social platform can play in streamlining staffing, delivery management, knowledge development, training, etc.

This report focuses on the ITCH framework (Integrated, Tracked, Cool, Holistic) developed by Everest Group. Service providers can utilize this framework to create the next generation internal social platform that can integrate with global delivery systems and provide the needed differentiation. This report discusses:

  • Current state of social platforms across global service providers
  • Key challenges in the global delivery model
  • Transformation from simple collaboration to a well integrated social platform for global delivery
  • ITCH framework that provides guidance to create next generation social network platforms
  • Benefits to the buyers
  • The future of enterprise social networks in global delivery model