Webinar Deck: Sustaining Momentum: Key Priorities for GBS Leaders Amid Economic Uncertainty


28 Feb 2023
Bharath M
Parul Jain
Nikhil Malhotra

In the past, GBS organizations have displayed resilience – tackling the ongoing pandemic and intensified talent war. For 2023, GBS organizations must maintain this “persevere” mindset and continue alignment with CEO mandates.

In this webinar, our analysts discussed how GBS leaders can sustain the strong momentum they have developed.

What questions has the webinar answered for the participants?

  • What are GBS leaders’ strategic priorities for 2023?
  • How can GBS organizations continue to build their strong foundation and drive more alignment with the enterprise?
  • What actions should be prioritized?
  • What steps can GBS organizations take to stay on top of talent needs for 2023 and beyond?