Webinar Deck: Accelerating the Adoption of Intelligent Automation

On September 24, Everest Group hosted a webinar titled, "Accelerating the Adoption of Intelligent Automation."

What’s the best way to not only drive – but accelerate – the use of Intelligent Automation (IA) across your company? While many enterprises and global business services organizations have begun experimenting with IA – and a few have established Centers of Excellence (CoEs) to secure the right capabilities – most are still struggling with how to fast-track its adoption organization-wide. In this webinar, we will provide insights on the top factors that have the greatest impact in helping companies reach an adoption tipping point.

What questions will the webinar answer?

  • What are the opportunities for enterprises to encourage and support company-wide IA adoption?
  • What are the opportunities for Global Business Services / Shared Services centers to support enterprise-wide IA initiatives?
  • How are automation CoEs helping to accelerate IA adoption?
  • How are CoE operating models evolving to meet the challenge?
  • What are the emerging talent models for successful IA programs?