Webinar Deck: Leaders vs. Laggards: How Payers Can Use Outsourcing to Differentiate


On November 16, Everest Group hosted a webinar titled, "Leaders vs. Laggards: How Payers Can Use Outsourcing to Differentiate."

While healthcare payers have deep technology portfolios, they don’t consistently deliver optimal operational efficiency and innovation, causing a growing gap between the leaders and those quickly becoming laggards.

A major cause for those falling behind is a lack in engagement in meaningful (scaled) partnerships with the supply ecosystem.

In this webinar, our experts provided insights into who payers should engage with and how best to engage with them.

What will participants learn?

  • Why healthcare and outsourcing/offshoring do not go hand in hand
  • Who the best-of-breed players are in specific payer functions and technology towers
  • How payers should contract with partners when it comes to financial and operational risk
  • What payers can take away from leading industries such as BFSI and retail when it comes to outsourcing