Adoption of Modular Architecture in IT Infrastructure Outsourcing

29 Apr 2009



Adoption of Modularity TimelineIn recent times, companies have started to seriously consider a modular approach to infrastructure service delivery. It is therefore important to understand the adoption of the modularity concept in the infrastructure services domain, and learn about practical methods to build modular infrastructure solutions. In 2008, the Everest ITO research team presented “Fluid IT Architecture” as an innovative way to implement modular solutions in infrastructure services. This follow-up research continues our analysis of the adoption of the modularity concept in the infrastructure services domain and offers practical observations for helping our clients build modular infrastructure solutions. The observations around challenges and best practices in building modular infrastructure solutions are taken from our work with multiple suppliers that pioneered implementation of modular principles in their infrastructure service offerings.


  • Modular Solutions around dropletsOverview of the emergence of the modular approach to infrastructure service
  • Assessment of the challenges in building modular infrastructure solutions
  • Analysis of the continued adoption of modular concepts by the suppliers of infrastructure services  


This report describes our observations around challenges and best practices in building modular infrastructure solutions. The key insights are presented in three sections: emergence of modular approach to infrastructure, challenges in building modular infrastructure solutions and adoption of modularity by suppliers. For instance, the third section discusses the many flavors of modularity in the infrastructure service offerings of key suppliers:

  • Adoption of modularity in infrastructure service delivery is evident across multiple supplier groups
  • RIMO suppliers were early adopters of modularity in infrastructure service delivery, but many diverge their strategies from modular principles to adopt a more end-to-end driven approach
  • Suppliers can play various roles in the delivery of modular services (e.g., performing service, enabling others to do it). Multiple roles will likely comprise a sound modular strategy

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