Process Mining – Technology Vendor Landscape with Products PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2020

Process Mining is a key enabler to achieve process excellence and automation in organizations’ digital transformation journeys. While the concept of process mining has been around as a topic of academic interest, it has recently gained currency in the context of enterprise automation and digital transformation. Process mining solutions leverage event logs generated by information systems such as ERP, CRM, HCM, and SCM to reconstruct a virtual view of a business process. It is rapidly gaining traction across industries and geographies, as more enterprises are becoming aware of its benefits. Adoption of process mining solutions can not only help enterprises achieve cost savings and operational efficiency by optimizing processes, but also enhance employee experience through better resource allocation. Selecting the right enterprise-grade process mining technology partner(s) is critical to its success. However, process mining is a burgeoning market with technologies that are relatively new to many potential buyers in terms of product features, deployment options, training & support, partner ecosystem, and commercial models. The technologies are also evolving, with an expanding feature set and increasing richness of functionality.


Process mining products that are sold on license, irrespective of any ongoing business or IT process outsourcing or managed services, have been considered for this report. Process mining products from 13 leading technology vendors globally, namely ABBYY Timeline, Apromore, Celonis, Everflow, Lana Labs, Logpickr, Minit, myInvenio, PAFnow, Puzzle Data, QPR Software, Software AG, and UiPath process mining (earlier ProcessGold) have been assessed for this study.


This PEAK Matrix® report on PM technology vendors covers the following topics:

  • Everest Group’s PEAK Matrix® evaluation of PM technology vendors and their categorization into Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants
  • Competitive landscape of the PM technology vendor market
  • Key PM technology trends
  • Key strengths and areas of improvement for each PM technology vendor


Service Optimization Technologies (SOT)