The Morphing Face of Threats


The impact of generative AI on the Trust and Safety (T&S) Business Process Services (BPS) space has been significant and transformative. While generative AI can enhance efficiencies in T&S teams for content moderation, the sheer volume of content it generates poses a threat to existing moderation efforts.

In this report, we explore generative AI’s impact on the evolution of content in digital platforms within the T&S industry. We also examine the industry-specific challenges posed by AI-generated content and discuss the short-term and long-term considerations necessary to future-proof T&S strategies for enterprises. Additionally, the report explores the benefits of outsourcing and provides detailed insights into the capabilities that enterprises should look for when selecting providers to manage AI-generated content.


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In this report, we:

  • Generative AI’s impact on digital platforms
  • Industry-specific T&S challenges that generative AI poses
  • Current enterprise measures to tackle AI-generated content
  • Short- and long-term considerations to future-proof enterprise’s T&S capabilities
  • Capabilities to look for when selecting a T&S service provider


Trust and Safety

Sourcing and Vendor Management